Sunday, January 10, 2010

Are we up for some changes?

When Gar and I were contemplating adoption we knew that we would be financially challenged. We are not big savers and we love eating out and shopping - not exactly Suze Orman's model students. We kept making budgets and failing to follow them. Many a night I lie awake with a heart thumping/ sick tummy feeling about money. I knew K-Bug had fully adjusted to our family when I went through our receipts each week and she could look at them and tell me what she ate at each restaurant. Even as we drive around she points and says things like - "I eat chips and salsa there" "We get pizza there" "I eat burger-fries there."

Now that the New Year has started and we see all the spending we did during the holidays - we know changes have to be made. I am writing today to inform my loyal reader(s) about the changes that we are undertaking. I am hoping this honesty will keep me on task and accountable.

Here's the list:

Save money by not eating out except ONCE a month and making delicious inexpensive meals at home.

Go to the gym that I am paying a membership for.

Work at least two days a week (substituting).

Find new ways to entertain our family with out spending money.

OK - there it is. It actually doesn't look that daunting. I have gotten several books (from the library) to help us accomplish this and I will be blogging any helpful hints that I have gleamed.

Here's to a new year and new challenges!!!


erin said...

Good for you! We definitely waste the most money on eating out as well. So...when you find some fabulous new recipe, pass it along, would ya? This will help out me as well :).

erin said...

I tagged you on my blog. Check out the 1.12 entry.