Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Sweetie and Honey

Lately K-Bug has been calling everyone "Sweetie" or "Honey" or "Sweetheart." Now its important for you to realize that she only does this when she wants to tell someone to do something or to stop doing something. Here are a few examples;

To Daddy at breakfast "Sweetie, can you eat your eggs?"
To Me when I ask her to go potty "Honey, be patient for your K-Bug."

K-Bug also tells us that she has nice manners after she says "please" or "thank you." Gar was trying to explain to K-Bug that we need to show that we have nice manners and that we don't say we have nice manners. Here's what K-Bug did later "Daddy can I please have some milk. I have nice manners. We don't say we have nice manners we show we have nice manners."

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